Monday, March 10, 2008

Long time coming

There was a definite blogging drought in blogging from me. It wasn't for lack of desire to blog, or for lack of topics...well, at first it was for lack of topics. Then it was for business taking care of general life stuff, then it was the Holidays, then it was sports blogging (I'm pittbaster @ After that it was a new puppy, and work, and then it was a broken computer.

I hope to be back with a vengeance now. I had a list of the last 100 books I read all prepared, with recommendations and such, but I have lost (I'm optimistic about recovering it, I think my broken computer is fixable given time) the fancy spreadsheet that had it all laid out and my memory isn't good enough to remember all 100 in order. I suppose it's good news that I had backups of pretty much everything else important.

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