Monday, May 12, 2008

Language laughs

Just a few little giggles from today, and a memory of a few weeks ago...

I received an email today, as a response to wishing someone a happy birthday and to enjoy the time off. It read "Thank you, I will defiantly enjoy some much needed rest." I'm sure the meaning was "definitely" but the mistake is strangely appropriate.

This reminded me of a few weeks ago, when I was preparing to send a very carefully worded email to a coworker named "Butch." Fortunately, I realized before hitting "send" that I'd spelled his name with an "i."

A quick swiftie, of my own creation: "You're giving me Whiplash," Tom said Snidely. I hope no one has beaten me to that one. I'm quite proud of it.

Finally, an observation: see what happens when you insert a Grand Pause between the syllables in "grandpas."


Wild Threads said...

I don't get the whiplash remark.

Your linguistically impaired girlfriend.

Ben said...

It's more the pop culture references you probably missed. Snidely Whiplash is a character from the Dudley Do-Right segment of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle cartoons. A "Tom Swiftie" is a pun using dialogue attribution, that stems from childrens' books from the first half of the 1900s. Those books are criticised for the excessive use of adverbs as opposed to "Tom said." It became a game for linguists and punners to make the adverb a pun on the quotation.